Healthcare Innovation Accelerator

An accelerator programme designed to prepare you for a successful market entry into the United States.
An Ipad with some grafs and arrows point up towards the text Healthcare Innovation Accelerator

It is aimed at Norwegian healthtech and medtech companies ready to take healthcare innovation to the next level. It offers a unique opportunity to gain valuable experience, connect with U.S. stakeholders, and refine market strategies.

Programme Timeline November to 28th March 2025

  • October 18: Deadline for Submissions.
  • November 26: Healthcare Innovation Accelerator programme launch in Oslo*.
  • December 2: Aleap workshop in Oslo.
  • December 16: Virtual webinar (evening session).
  • January 7: Virtual webinar (evening session).
  • January 21: Virtual webinar (evening session).
  • February 4: Virtual webinar (evening session).
  • February 18: Virtual webinar (evening session).
  • March 4: Virtual webinar (evening session).
  • March 25: Market visit to DNB Offices.
  • March 26: Lion’s Den Programme at NAHC 2025.
  • March 24-28: Market visit to New York City.

*Please note: Companies will present their solutions at the programme launch, with further details shared upon selection.

Selection Committee

The selection committee includes representatives from Innovation Norway, Destination Medical Center, and Mayo Clinic Innovation Exchange, ensuring a fair and unbiased process.

Helsearbeidere på en lab
© Oioioi

Application Criteria

  • You are the CEO or in a leadership position of a health/medtech company with U.S. potential and ambitions but not yet in the U.S. market.
  • You have an MVP or prototype, potentially already in the Norwegian market.
  • You have received feedback from clinical specialists who would typically work with your product.

Participation Fee: $1500

There is no fee to apply for the programme. However, if your company is selected, a programme registration fee of $1500 will be invoiced to you.

Programme Partners

The Healthcare Innovation Accelerator is powered by leading organisations dedicated to helping Norwegian companies succeed in the U.S. market:

  • Innovation Norway
  • DNB//Back Bay
  • Mayo Clinic Innovation Exchange (MCIE)
  • Destination Medical Center (DMC)
  • Norwegian Consulate General in New York.


Aleap, SopraSteria, Advokatfirmaet Thommessen and DNV.


Zacharias HolmProgram Manager Health USA